Tag Archives: Hearts Left Behind

Where The Broken Lie Wins AIA Book of the Month Award!

Well, sort of….

Before I connected with the fine folks at Immortal Ink Publishing, I had been doing everything I could to market the book myself.  As part of that effort, I had submitted Hearts Left Behind (original title) for review by the Indie Reader.  Recently, the Indie Reader published their review and I was thrilled to see that they gave it their highest rating of 5 stars.  Here’s an excerpt from the review:

Author Derek Rempfer conveys the parent-child relationship with haunting power, highlighting with deep sensitivity and extraordinary insight, just how children create their parents and even become them; how death affects the living; and how a grief over a lost child changes a parent . . . even years later.

Click here to read Maya Fleischmann’s full review.


Additionally, I also found out that the Association of Independent Authors named Hearts Left Behind a Book of the Month Award winner.

Click here to see AIA’s Book of the Month Award winners.

I am obviously very honored by all of this.  And it makes me even more excited about the upcoming release of Where The Broken Lie, because thanks to my new partners at IIP, it’s going to be even better.  Can’t wait for it to find new readers.  If you’re interested,

Click here to be notified when Where The Broken Lie becomes available

Friends, self-promoting is something that I struggle with.  Most authors do because we tend to be introverts.  Some of us are neurotic and most of us our insecure about ourselves and/or our work.  We’d rather believe in the romantic notion that our work will naturally find a large and adoring audience.  The simple fact is, it doesn’t work that way in most cases.  We all want to be Hugh Howey, Amanda Hocking, and William Paul Young, but getting there takes a lot of work and even more luck.  And it takes doing things that go against our natural tendencies at time.

All of which is to say, I hope I’m not coming off as too “salesy”.  It’s a tough thing to balance at times.  I want to find a readership and connect with them on a more personal level, but that can’t happen until I have that readership.  🙂  If you have thoughts on this, please feel free to share them here in the comments section or by emailing me at DerekRempfer@yahoo.com.  If there are other writers out there who would be willing to share your struggles with this issue, I encourage your feedback as well.

Stay in touch.



That’s a wrap.

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Filed under Ethan Merrill Rempfer, Hearts Left Behind, Loss of a child, Stillbirth, Uncategorized, Where The Broken Lie


Friends and followers, I am very pleased to announce that I have signed on with Immortal Ink Publishing.  IIP is a small (but mighty) publisher with an impressive track record of success in a fairly short period.  Not only have their authors and books been very well reviewed, they make fairly regular appearances in top 10 tests across multiple genres on Amazon.  What I’m MOST excited about, however, is the people I’ll be working with.  It’s clear to me already that these are genuinely talented, creative, and honest professionals.  I can’t wait to get started!  I’m not sure of what that lies ahead, but there will most certainly be a second edition of Hearts Left Behind and it will have a much more highly publicized and auspicious release.  Come back here in the coming weeks for updates.

In the meantime, I want to thank all of you who have been so supportive and encouraging through this process.  I’m glad you have enjoyed the book and I thank you for helping to spread the word.  Keep it up!  You’re doing great!  🙂


Filed under Ethan Merrill Rempfer, Hearts Left Behind, Loss of a child, Stillbirth, Uncategorized, Where The Broken Lie